Blackpool Business Leadership Group

Website refresh for well established Blackpool Business Leadership Group BBLG

Blackpool Business Leadership Group


The Blackpool Business Leadership Group (BBLG) is a vibrant network of local business leaders in the North West who are committed to boosting economic growth and prosperity in Blackpool. To better connect with its community and drive its mission forward, BBLG needed a fresh, dynamic online presence and improved communication tools. The Blackpool Business Leadership Group is funded, supported and hosted by Blackpool Council.

When leaders from Blackpool Council approached Code Galaxy for help with their digital transformation, we were thrilled to be considered and eager to get involved!

What we did

BBLG website

Bespoke web design

For the website design, our primary goal was to ensure the BBLG team had seamless access to a content management system (CMS), so we chose WordPress for its user-friendly interface and flexibility. This choice empowers the team to easily keep the website maintained and up to date, addressing their previous challenges with a difficult-to-update platform that led to quickly outdated content.

With the new WordPress site, BBLG can effortlessly share meeting notes, presentations, and event details, ensuring its members always have access to the latest information and resources.

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blackpool web design

Hosting and support

We continue to support BBLG by managing their website to ensure it remains secure and live. Our reliable hosting service guarantees optimal performance, with regular updates and security monitoring to prevent any issues.

Additionally, we provide assistance with any technical queries the BBLG team might have, offering prompt and effective solutions. Our ongoing support means BBLG can focus on their mission, knowing their website is in good hands.

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Man on phone looking at emails

Email marketing set-up

To streamline BBLG’s communication, we consolidated all business attendee data into Mailchimp, ensuring accuracy and ease of use. We integrated Mailchimp with the new website so that any new inquiries are automatically added to the contact list, keeping it up-to-date.

We also designed custom email templates matching BBLG’s refreshed brand for newsletters, event invites, and updates. To empower the BBLG team, we provided training on managing contacts and creating effective email campaigns, ensuring they can communicate smoothly and professionally with their members.

Find out more about email marketing

“We were delighted to be able to use a locally-based company to produce a new website. The new-look site has created a first-class platform to keep members up to date with BBLG news and events and has also given us the opportunity to create a web presence for the Responsible Business Network.”

Martin Long | Chair of BBLG