25 July 2024Insights

Benefits of using Google tools to improve website user experience

Mary Speakman
Mary Speakman Managing Director Got a question?
website user experience

A well-designed website with a great experience can make a big difference in customer satisfaction and business success.

To achieve this, companies need the right tools to understand how users interact with their site, spot trends, and make improvements.

Two powerful tools for this purpose are Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Google Search Console (GSC).

What is Google Analytics 4?

Google Analytics 4 is the latest version of Google’s tool that helps businesses understand how people use their websites and apps. Unlike the older version, GA4 gives a more complete picture of user activities by focusing on specific actions people take on your site, like clicking buttons or filling out forms.

Key features of GA4:

  • Event tracking: GA4 focuses on specific user actions called events. This helps you see exactly what people are doing on your site.
  • Automatic tracking: It automatically tracks everyday actions like scrolling and clicking links, making setup easier.
  • Cross-device tracking: GA4 combines data from websites and mobile apps to give you a full view of user behaviour across different devices.
  • Smart insights: GA4 uses machine learning to highlight important trends and predict future actions, helping you make better decisions.

What is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console is a free tool that helps you understand how your website is performing in Google Search. It shows how Google sees your site and identifies any issues that might affect your search rankings and user experience.

Key Features of GSC:

  • Performance reports: These reports show how often your site appears in search results, which search terms people use to find you, and how many clicks you get.
  • Index coverage: This shows which pages on your site are indexed by Google and highlights any problems that need fixing.
  • Mobile usability: This report identifies issues that could make your site hard to use on mobile devices.
  • Enhancements reports: These reports give insights into structured data and AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) that can improve your search visibility and user experience.

Understand user behaviour

  • GA4: Track what people do on your site, such as where they click and how far they scroll. This helps you see what’s working and what needs improvement.
  • GSC: Look at the search terms that bring people to your site. This will show you what information they’re looking for and help you provide relevant content.

Analyse traffic sources

  • GA4: See where your visitors come from, like search engines, social media, or other websites. This helps you focus your marketing efforts and improve user experience for different sources.
  • GSC: Monitor which search queries bring the most traffic and how users interact with your site from search results. This can guide your SEO strategy.

Optimise for mobile users

  • GA4: Check how people use your site on mobile devices. Understanding mobile behaviour helps you fix any issues they might face.
  • GSC: Use the Mobile Usability report to find and fix problems like small text or buttons that are too close together, ensuring a smooth mobile experience.

Enhance Site Performance

  • GA4: Look at page load times and other performance metrics to find slow pages that could frustrate users. Faster pages make for a better user experience.
  • GSC: Ensure all important pages are indexed by Google and free of errors. Properly indexed pages are more likely to appear in search results, driving more traffic to your site.

Use Smart Insights

  • GA4: Take advantage of GA4’s machine learning insights to predict user behaviour and spot potential issues early. This proactive approach helps keep users happy.
  • GSC: Combine data from GSC and GA4 for a comprehensive view of user behaviour, from search to conversion. This helps you create more effective optimisation strategies.

Improve the user experience of your business website

Improving your website’s user experience is a continuous process. Using Google Analytics 4 and Google Search Console together, you can gain valuable insights into how users interact with your site, identify trends, and make informed decisions to enhance usability. These tools help you create a seamless, satisfying, and effective experience for your visitors, leading to greater satisfaction and success for your business.

For technical support to improve the user experience of your website, please get in touch with Code Galaxy!

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